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Narrow Down 'n'

5 + n or 5n? First define 'n'.

depends on value of n

example 1: if n = 0, 5(0) < 5+0
so 5n < 5+n

example 2: if n=2, 5(2) > 5 + 2
so 5n > 5 + n

so the answer depends on the value of n

Negative length?

Ok, ok, I will write something.

Magnitude means length.

But if n is a negative value, then 5n would be negative and 5+n would also be negative after a while- but how can magnitude be negative?


Case 1:

when 5 + n = 5n
n = 5/4

Case 2:

when 5 + n > 5n
n < 5/4

Case 3:

When 5 + n < 5n
n > 5/4

Must see the value of n LAH :-)

sometimes if n is a very small number like 1/999999999999999999, 5n will be very very small leh

Thank you for the solution

Wow, Benjamin - you are fast!!

Anyway, thanks for the "answer".

Re: Algebra

5n will be equal to 5 + n when n = 1.25.

5n will be greater than 5 + n when n is greater than 1.25.

5n will be less than 5 + n when n is less than 1.25.